Use "druggy|druggies" in a sentence

1. What with the runaways and the young druggies ....

2. She was nicked in a filthy squat with a load of known druggies.

3. Synonyms for Acidhead include addict, druggie, junkie, user, abuser, druggy, fiend, freak, hype and head

4. He carries on with his illogical druggy spew, obviously telling a tragic story by the look on his face.

5. 16 He carries on with his illogical druggy spew, obviously telling a tragic story by the look on his face.

6. Expiration Date, Sat, 07 Nov 2020 09:24:24 GMT bullwhips verbenol lurk RAR dimorphic rejection paresthetic microminiaturize pseudoequalitarian csk druggies pluralized sistle upflood Blueweeds decent..

7. In Amuck Greta chases her missing friend down the rabbit hole and encounters a kinky, druggy, twisted chamber group that consist of a polyamorous femme fatale, a stoic Nietzschean author, a shifty eyed house servant, and a sculpted manchild handyman

8. The Manchester trio - bassist and vocalist Lee Mann, guitarist Rob Glennie, and drummer Allan Hutchison - hinted at this when they debuted last April with the bouncy and spacy rocker “Routine Dream,” complete with druggy Absurdisms like, “You are never happy unless your life’s in a loop / Stability is funky like your microwaved soup".